New album from Hamish

Kirsty’s brother, Hamish will be releasing an instrumental album entitled ‘Hope’ on Friday 24th March. Here is the track listing:

1. Captain Bligh – Capitaine Bligh
2. Hope – Espoir
3. Transcending Madness – Transcender la Folie
4. Another gorgeous day – Une autre journée magnifique
5. Out of the Rubble – Hors des décombres
6. In December – En décembre
7. Waking City – Ville en éveil
8. Donne – Donne (Jean)
9. Irish Shuffle – Shuffle irlandais
10. The Joy – La joie
11. Slippin’ thru a crack in the space/time continuum – Glisser à
travers une fissure dans le continuum espace/temps?


“Well friends,
I’ve suddenly had the urge to write again
and since April last year I’ve written 12
new tracks. 11 of these will be released on
the 24th March under the album title
HOPE. They’ll be available from all of the
 streaming services.
Hope you have time to give HOPE
a listen. All the tracks are instrumental
and while not the usual edm are danceable.
I’ve had a lot of fun writing them and of course I’ll be very
pleased/happy if someone likes them.”
I’m looking forward to hearing it.
From Ruby