
A song written by Kirsty MacColl which was released as a single in 1983. Includes lyrics and discography details.

Big Boy on a Saturday Night

Song from the 1993 Kirsty MacColl album Titanic Days, written by Kirsty MacColl and Mark E. Nevin. Includes lyrics and discography details.


Song released as a B Side to the unreleased 1979 single by Kirsty MacColl, You Caught Me Out, written by MacColl and George Lloyd. Includes lyrics and discography details.

Camel Crossing

A song written by Kirsty MacColl from 1981, though it did not appear until the 2005 compilation From Croydon to Cuba – an Anthology. Includes lyrics and discography details.

Can’t Stop Killing You

Song from the 1993 Kirsty MacColl album Titanic Days, written by Kirsty MacColl and Johnny Marr, including lyrics, discography details and a chord transcription by John Meranda.


A 1995 song written by Kirsty MacColl. Includes lyrics and discography details. Released as a single, and also appeared onthe compilation album Galore.


Song from the 2000 Kirsty MacColl album Tropical Brainstorm, written by Kirsty MacColl. Includes lyrics and discography details.

Children of the Revolution

Song from the 1991 Kirsty MacColl album Electric Landlady, written by Kirsty MacColl and Johnny Marr. Includes lyrics, discography details and chord transcription by John Meranda.

Clock Goes Round

Song from the 1981 Kirsty MacColl album Desperate Character, written by Kirsty MacColl. Includes lyrics, discography details and chord transcriptions by John Meranda.

Closer to God?

A Kirsty MacColl song which first appeared as a B side to the 1989 single Free World. Includes lyrics and discography details.